Where do I even begin with this one? Ah, yes, the beginning.
This is probably the oldest ticket stub I've managed to save in my faded tin can. In about 3 weeks, this Friday night will have happened 10 years ago. Where does time go?
I was 16 years old. It was the last full year I spent in Puerto Rico. My dad had stayed behind in PA and sent my mom with me back home so I could 'snap out of my depression'. Homesick and all.
My friends went to pick me up in the Jeep. Rebecca was a horrible driver, so I always said a prayer before catching a ride anywhere. They pulled up in the beat up vehicle, with no top and no seat belts available. At least not for everyone crammed in there. Rebecca was driving, her sister Raquel was the front passenger. David G, Javier, Xavier, Tatiana and Celimar were already crowding the back...This greatly diminished the chances of me being allowed to go out with them. They were all over 21 and pulling into my front yard in a car where I barely fit would not go over well with Mom.
Friday night. I remember what I was wearing...God help me. Black overalls with a neon green striped top underneath and yellow Chucks. I came out of the room, as I heard them pull in. Mom looked out the window and then back at me as I came out of the hallway. After a few seconds of taking in my outfit, she said "I'm sorry but are you going somewhere?" Just then Javi and Xavi burst through the door, both from families that were friends with mine for decades before any of us were born. They each gave Mami a kiss on the cheek and worked on getting me out of the house.
About 5 minutes later, I was crammed in the trunk of the Death Trap and we were speeding down crazy roads into downtown Mayaguez (my hometown). We made our way to the Palacio de los Deportes, our coliseum, and after paying a hobo $2.00 to watch our car (not steal our hubcaps), we headed indoors.
I had been to plenty minor league baseball games. This was my first basketball game. However, the noises and crowds...the smell of popcorn and beer...were the same. It felt like home. Naturally, we had seats in the nosebleeds. Not that it mattered...my main point of the night was sitting next to Xavi...the subject of a platonic love during my teenage years. He was wearing a white polo, with tiny sailboats on it and black jeans. His dark skin were only better complimented by his light green eyes and light brown hair. Mom was pale...dad was dark...the result? A guy that looked like Tatum Channing. God bless the mixing of genes. Basketball...right.
Mayaguez won, 81 to 76. I never got carded, so I believe I drank a little too much and they were afraid to take me home. Someone at some point called my mom and told her I was sleeping over at Tatiana's house and they'd bring me home in the morning.
The clearest memory of that night, aside from the hideous outfit I wore...is the shy smile Javi gave me when the game was over and he was the only one that waited for me to make my way down the stands (I'm terrified of heights, get dizzy). He just put his hand on my low back and asked "Are you ok?" I thought he was sweet...and much older than I was...Probably 27 at the time. I just nodded and he really was the only one that noticed I was there most of the time. We had the same last name. Irizarry.
I wonder how he's doing...
This is probably the oldest ticket stub I've managed to save in my faded tin can. In about 3 weeks, this Friday night will have happened 10 years ago. Where does time go?
I was 16 years old. It was the last full year I spent in Puerto Rico. My dad had stayed behind in PA and sent my mom with me back home so I could 'snap out of my depression'. Homesick and all.
My friends went to pick me up in the Jeep. Rebecca was a horrible driver, so I always said a prayer before catching a ride anywhere. They pulled up in the beat up vehicle, with no top and no seat belts available. At least not for everyone crammed in there. Rebecca was driving, her sister Raquel was the front passenger. David G, Javier, Xavier, Tatiana and Celimar were already crowding the back...This greatly diminished the chances of me being allowed to go out with them. They were all over 21 and pulling into my front yard in a car where I barely fit would not go over well with Mom.
Friday night. I remember what I was wearing...God help me. Black overalls with a neon green striped top underneath and yellow Chucks. I came out of the room, as I heard them pull in. Mom looked out the window and then back at me as I came out of the hallway. After a few seconds of taking in my outfit, she said "I'm sorry but are you going somewhere?" Just then Javi and Xavi burst through the door, both from families that were friends with mine for decades before any of us were born. They each gave Mami a kiss on the cheek and worked on getting me out of the house.
About 5 minutes later, I was crammed in the trunk of the Death Trap and we were speeding down crazy roads into downtown Mayaguez (my hometown). We made our way to the Palacio de los Deportes, our coliseum, and after paying a hobo $2.00 to watch our car (not steal our hubcaps), we headed indoors.
I had been to plenty minor league baseball games. This was my first basketball game. However, the noises and crowds...the smell of popcorn and beer...were the same. It felt like home. Naturally, we had seats in the nosebleeds. Not that it mattered...my main point of the night was sitting next to Xavi...the subject of a platonic love during my teenage years. He was wearing a white polo, with tiny sailboats on it and black jeans. His dark skin were only better complimented by his light green eyes and light brown hair. Mom was pale...dad was dark...the result? A guy that looked like Tatum Channing. God bless the mixing of genes. Basketball...right.
Mayaguez won, 81 to 76. I never got carded, so I believe I drank a little too much and they were afraid to take me home. Someone at some point called my mom and told her I was sleeping over at Tatiana's house and they'd bring me home in the morning.
The clearest memory of that night, aside from the hideous outfit I wore...is the shy smile Javi gave me when the game was over and he was the only one that waited for me to make my way down the stands (I'm terrified of heights, get dizzy). He just put his hand on my low back and asked "Are you ok?" I thought he was sweet...and much older than I was...Probably 27 at the time. I just nodded and he really was the only one that noticed I was there most of the time. We had the same last name. Irizarry.
I wonder how he's doing...
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